Distributed Tracing

Before you Begin

  1. Install Maistra by following the instructions here.

  2. Deploy the Bookinfo application by following these instructions.

Generate traces

Once Bookinfo application has been deployed, generate traces by accessing http://$GATEWAY_URL/productpage a few times.

Analyze tracing data using Jaeger

The Maistra operator should have created a route to access Jaeger dashboard. Query OpenShift for details of the route:

  $ oc get routes jaeger-query -n istio-system
  NAME           HOST/PORT                                    PATH      SERVICES       PORT           TERMINATION   WILDCARD
  jaeger-query   jaeger-query-istio-system.             jaeger-query   jaeger-query   edge          None

Point your browser to https://jaeger-query-istio-system., select productpage from the "Service" drop-down list, and click Find Traces. You should see a list of available traces similar to one below:

jaeger main screen

Click on one of the traces in the list to open a detailed view of that trace:

jaeger spans

The trace above consists of a few nested spans, each corresponding to a Bookinfo service call, all performed in response to a /productpage request. Overall processing time was 2.62s, with the "details" service taking 3.56ms, "reviews" service taking 2.6s, and "ratings" service — 5.32ms. Each of the calls to the remote services is represented by a client-side and server-side spans. For example, "details" client-side span is labeled productpage details.myproject.svc.cluster.local:9080. The span nested underneath it labeled details details.myproject.svc.cluster.local:9080 corresponds to the server-side processing of the request.

The trace also shows calls to istio-policy which reflect authorization checks made by Maistra.


Follow the Bookinfo cleanup instructions to remove the application.